Best Nintendo Switch Games for Travel: Multiplayer Edition 2024

Buckle up, gamers! ๐Ÿš€ It’s 2024, and your Nintendo Switch is about to become the MVP of your travel squad. Welcome to our guide on the Best Nintendo Switch Games for Travel: Multiplayer Edition! Gone are the days of boring road trips and endless “Are we there yet?” whining. We’re diving into the cream of the crop, the best of the best, the Nintendo Switch travel multiplayer games that’ll turn your travel time into a laugh-filled, friendship-testing extravaganza. Whether you’re crammed in the backseat with family-friendly multiplayer titles or lounging in a swanky hotel room with the best co-op Switch games for trips, these multiplayer gems will keep the good times rolling faster than your wheels on the highway. Looking for the best switch games for long flights? We’ve got you covered too! So grab your Joy-Cons, and let’s hit the virtual road with our top picks for 2024!

“Are We There Yet?” Games to Make Time Fly ๐Ÿ•ฐ๏ธ

Family vacations and restless kids in the backseat – sound familiar? I’ve been there countless times. But I’ve got a secret weapon: the best Nintendo Switch multiplayer games for family vacations. These family-friendly multiplayer games turn “Are we there yet?” into “One more round, please!” Let’s explore my top picks for making travel time fly by. Whether you’re looking for Nintendo Switch travel multiplayer games or the best co-op Switch games for trips, we’ve got you covered. Ready to transform your family road trip?

Mario Party Superstars

Where friendships go to die (and be reborn) Ah, Mario Party Superstars. This game is like a rollercoaster for your relationships. One minute you’re high-fiving, the next you’re plotting revenge over a stolen star. But that’s what makes it perfect for long trips! What I love about this game:

  • It’s got 100 mini-games, so it never gets old
  • You can play with up to 4 players, perfect for family trips
  • Games are customizable, so you can fit them into any travel schedule Pro tip: Set some ground rules before you start. Trust me, it’ll save you from some serious family feuds.

Jackbox Party Pack 9

For when you want to unleash your inner comedian Want to find out who in your travel group should never quit their day job to become a comedian? Jackbox Party Pack 9 is your go-to. It’s been a lifesaver on many of our rainy vacation days. Why it’s great for travel:

  • Up to 8 players can join, perfect for large groups
  • Players use their phones as controllers, so you only need one Switch
  • Games are quick, perfect for pit stops or short bursts of play Word of caution: Maybe set some PG guidelines if you’re playing with the whole family. You might learn things about your in-laws you can’t unlearn!

Overcooked! All You Can Eat

Because nothing says vacation like kitchen chaos Ever wanted to recreate the stress of a professional kitchen while on vacation? No? Well, you’ll want to after playing Overcooked! It’s hilarious, it’s stressful, and it’ll make you appreciate every calm meal you’ve ever had. What makes it a travel must-have:

  • Supports up to 4 players locally
  • Short, intense rounds that fit perfectly between rest stops
  • Teaches teamwork (or reveals who you should never cook with in real life) Fun fact: We once got so caught up in a game, we almost missed our dinner reservation. The irony wasn’t lost on us!

Just Dance 2024

Turn any rest stop into a dance floor For those of you who can’t sit still during long drives (I’m looking at you, Dad), Just Dance 2024 is a lifesaver. We’ve turned many a rest stop into an impromptu dance party. Why it’s perfect for breaking up long drives:

  • Great way to stretch your legs and get blood flowing
  • Only need one Joy-Con per player
  • New songs added regularly, so it never gets old Quick tip: Watch out for low ceilings if you’re in an RV. Don’t ask me how I know that.

WarioWare: Get It Together!

Microgames for micro attention spans On hour 10 of a road trip and can’t focus on anything for more than 5 seconds? WarioWare: Get It Together! is your new best friend. It’s like a workout for your reflexes and your funny bone. What makes it ideal for travel:

  • Microgames last only a few seconds each
  • Supports up to 4 players
  • Perfect for quick play sessions between naps or snack breaks Insider tip: This game is great for all ages, but it might be too fast-paced for the youngest travelers. Know your audience!

“Backseat Driver” Co-op Adventures ๐Ÿš™

Alright, fellow road warriors! Let’s talk about those “Backseat Driver” Co-op Adventures that’ll turn your travel time into a bonding experience. As someone who’s survived countless family road trips, I can tell you these games have been lifesavers. They’ve turned potential sibling squabbles into teamwork triumphs. So, buckle up and let’s dive into my top picks!

Luigi’s Mansion 3

Ghost-busting with a side of sibling rivalry Remember when we were kids and argued over who got to hold the flashlight during camping trips? Well, Luigi’s Mansion 3 is like that, but way cooler. You’re hunting ghosts in a haunted hotel, for crying out loud! Why it’s a road trip gem:

  • Two-player co-op mode lets you team up as Luigi and Gooigi
  • Puzzle-solving keeps minds sharp during long drives
  • Spooky but not scary, suitable for most ages Pro tip: If you’re playing with younger kids, let them be Luigi. Gooigi can’t be killed, which means less frustration and fewer “Are we there yet?” whines.


Create worlds bigger than your travel budget Ah, Minecraft. The game that’s eaten up more of my time than I’d like to admit. But you know what? It’s perfect for those never-ending stretches of highway. What makes it travel-friendly:

  • Endless creativity means endless entertainment
  • Split-screen multiplayer for up to 4 players
  • Can be played offline, perfect for those cellular dead zones Fun fact: My kids once recreated our entire road trip in Minecraft, including a to-scale model of our minivan. Talk about making memories!


Test your teamwork and paper-cutting skills If you want to test the strength of your relationships, forget trust falls. Try Snipperclips. This game will have you laughing, shouting, and high-fiving in no time. Why it’s great for travel:

  • Simple controls make it easy to play in cramped spaces
  • Puzzles range from easy to brain-bending, suiting all skill levels
  • Short levels are perfect for quick gaming sessions Word of warning: This game might cause excessive giggling. If the driver starts laughing too hard, maybe take a snack break.

Pikmin 4

Manage tiny creatures and big laughs Pikmin 4 is like having a tiny, adorable army at your command. It’s strategy, it’s cute, it’s addictive – what more could you want on a long trip? What makes it road-trip worthy:

  • Co-op mode lets two players work together
  • Engrossing gameplay helps the miles fly by
  • Manageable in short bursts, perfect for between rest stops Insider tip: The game’s day/night cycle can be a great way to teach kids about time management. Who said video games can’t be educational?

Kirby Star Allies

Inhale boredom, exhale fun Last but not least, we’ve got the pink puffball himself. Kirby Star Allies is like a warm hug for your brain – comforting, fun, and just challenging enough. Why it’s a travel must-have:

  • Up to 4 players can join in the fun
  • Relatively easy gameplay is great for all ages
  • Bright, colorful graphics are a nice contrast to highway monotony Pro tip: Use this game to settle disputes. Arguing over the last snack? Winner of the next level gets it!

These co-op adventures have turned many potentially boring car rides into gaming marathons for my family. They encourage teamwork, spark creativity, and most importantly, keep the dreaded “Are we there yet?” at bay.

“Shotgun Seat Showdowns” for Travel Supremacy ๐Ÿ’บ

Alright, road warriors, it’s time to talk about the games that’ll have you fighting for that coveted shotgun seat! These “Shotgun Seat Showdowns” are perfect for settling travel disputes, determining snack distribution, or just plain showing off your gaming skills. As a veteran of many family road trips, I can tell you these games have saved us from more arguments than I can count. Let’s dive in!

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Race to your destination virtually Who needs to watch the road when you can race on Rainbow Road? Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the ultimate travel companion for speed demons of all ages. Why it’s a road trip champion:

  • Up to 4 players can race simultaneously
  • Tracks are short enough to fit between rest stops
  • Blue shells create more drama than your family’s conversation topics Pro tip: Use the tournament mode to keep track of wins throughout the entire trip. Winner gets to choose the next rest stop snacks!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Settle who gets the front seat once and for all Nothing says family bonding like virtually pummeling each other, right? Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the perfect way to settle any travel disputes. What makes it travel-friendly:

  • Supports up to 8 players (perfect for big family trips)
  • Matches can be as short or long as you want
  • With 80+ characters, everyone can find their favorite Funny story: We once let Smash Bros decide our entire road trip itinerary. Whoever won got to choose the next stop. Let’s just say we ended up in someโ€ฆ interesting places.

Rocket League

Soccer with cars, because regular sports are so last year Ever tried playing soccer in a moving vehicle? Me neither, but Rocket League is the next best thing! It’s fast, it’s furious, and it’s surprisingly addictive. Why it’s great for the road:

  • Quick matches fit perfectly between pit stops
  • Simple concept but high skill ceiling keeps it interesting
  • Split-screen mode for up to 4 players Word of caution: This game might make you crave a pit stop at a soccer field. Or a demolition derby. Maybe both?

Splatoon 3

Paint the townโ€ฆ or at least your Switch screen Who says you can’t be artistic on a road trip? Splatoon 3 lets you unleash your inner Picasso, with a side of competitive spirit. What makes it road-trip worthy:

  • Bright colors are a nice contrast to highway monotony
  • Matches are quick and intense
  • Up to 8 players can join locally for Turf War battles Insider tip: Use this game to teach color theory. See? Video games can be educational! (Try telling that to Grandma.)


Stretch those virtual muscles when leg room is scarce When you’re cramped in the car and desperate for some movement, Arms comes to the rescue. It’s like shadow boxing, but way more fun and with stretchy arms! Why it’s a travel must-have:

  • Motion controls give you a mini workout
  • Fights are quick, perfect for short gaming sessions
  • Up to 4 players can duke it out Pro tip: Maybe wait until you’re at a rest stop to play this one. Flailing arms in a moving vehicle? Recipe for disaster (and hilarity).

These “Shotgun Seat Showdowns” have turned many potentially boring drives into epic gaming marathons for my family. They’re great for settling disputes, passing the time, and creating some hilarious travel memories.

“Navigate This!” Brain Teasers for the Road ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ

Alright, brainiacs and puzzle enthusiasts! Let’s talk about those games that’ll keep your noggin joggin’ while you’re cruising down the highway. As someone who’s turned more than a few road trips into rolling quiz shows, I can tell you these “Navigate This!” brain teasers are the perfect antidote to highway hypnosis. So, buckle up and let’s dive into my top picks for keeping your mind sharp while the miles fly by!

Trivial Pursuit Live!

Prove you’re the smartest one in the car Who needs I Spy when you can flex your knowledge muscles? Trivial Pursuit Live! is like having a game show host riding shotgun. Why it’s a road trip brain-booster:

  • Up to 4 players can compete simultaneously
  • Questions cover a wide range of topics, so everyone gets a chance to shine
  • Games can be customized for length, perfect for fitting between rest stops Pro tip: Use this game to decide who gets to pick the next snack stop. Nothing motivates the brain like the promise of choosing between Doritos or Cheetos!

Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics

For when you can’t decide on just one game Can’t agree on what to play? Clubhouse Games is like having a whole toy chest in your Switch. It’s saved us from many a “I’m bored” whine fest. What makes it travel-friendly:

  • 51 different games mean there’s something for everyone
  • Many games are quick to play, perfect for short attention spans
  • Supports up to 4 players for most games Funny story: We once used the chess game in here to decide our entire road trip itinerary. Let’s just say we ended up taking someโ€ฆ interesting detours.

Puyo Puyo Tetris 2

Colorful puzzles for when the scenery gets boring When you’ve seen one cow field, you’ve seen them all, right? That’s when Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 comes to the rescue with its colorful cascade of puzzles. Why it’s great for the road:

  • Combines two classic puzzle games for double the brain workout
  • Bright colors keep you alert (goodbye, highway hypnosis!)
  • Supports up to 4 players for competitive puzzle action Word of caution: This game is addictive. Don’t blame me if you miss your exit because you were “just finishing one more round.”

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Defuse bombs, not arguments Want to test your communication skills? Try defusing a virtual bomb while speeding down the highway! Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is like a trust fall, but with more explosions. What makes it road-trip worthy:

  • Only one person needs to look at the Switch, others can use a phone or printout
  • Encourages teamwork and clear communication
  • Timed rounds keep the excitement high Insider tip: This game is a great way to practice giving and following directions. Just maybe don’t mention the whole “bomb” thing if you get pulled over.


Draw your way through an adventure Last but not least, we’ve got Pictoquest. It’s like if Pictionary had a baby with an RPG, and that baby really liked road trips. Why it’s a travel must-have:

  • Combines puzzle-solving with light RPG elements
  • Can be played solo or cooperatively
  • Drawing puzzles range from simple to brain-bendingly complex Pro tip: Use this game to create a visual diary of your trip. Try drawing landmarks you pass or things you see out the window!

These brain teasers have turned many potentially monotonous drives into exciting mental gymnastics for my family. They’re great for keeping everyone engaged, sparking conversations, and maybe even learning a thing or two along the way.

Travel Break Turbo: Multiplayer in Minutes โšก

Alright, speed demons and quick-break enthusiasts! Let’s chat about those games that are perfect for when you’ve got just a few precious minutes at a rest stop or you’re waiting for Dad to finish his third cup of gas station coffee. As a veteran of many “hurry up and have fun” moments on family road trips, I can tell you these Travel Break Turbo games are lifesavers. They’re fast, they’re furious, and they’re more fun than a barrel of monkeys at a banana festival. Let’s dive in!

Boomerang Fu

Food fight with a sharp twist Ever wished you could turn that boring highway snack into a weapon? Well, in Boomerang Fu, your dreams come true! Why it’s perfect for quick breaks:

  • Matches are lightning-fast, often under 2 minutes
  • Up to 6 players can join the food-slinging mayhem
  • Simple controls mean anyone can pick up and play Pro tip: Use this game to decide who has to sit in the middle seat for the next leg of the journey. Loser gets the hump!

Astro Bears:

planetary platforming parties Imagine Super Mario Galaxy had a baby with Tron, and that baby really liked to party. That’s Astro Bears for you! What makes it a travel break champion:

  • Rounds can be as short as 30 seconds
  • Supports up to 4 players for maximum chaos
  • Easy to learn, hard to master (kind of like packing the car trunk) Funny story: We once used this game to determine our bathroom break order. Let’s just say some of us got really good at holding it!

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

Cooperate or crash in cute chaos Nothing says family bonding like frantically trying to pilot a spaceship together, right? This game is like a trust fall exercise, but in space and with lasers. Why it’s great for quick plays:

  • 2-4 players can team up to save the universe
  • Each level is a bite-sized chunk of cooperative chaos
  • Cute graphics make even spectacular failures feel fun Word of caution: This game might cause excessive shouting. Maybe wait until you’re out of the quiet zone at the campground.


Archery arena antics Who needs a bow and arrow when you’ve got thumbs and a Joy-Con? Towerfall turns everyone into a digital Robin Hood faster than you can say “rest stop archery is probably illegal.” What makes it perfect for travel breaks:

  • Matches are quick and intense
  • Up to 6 players can join the arrow-flinging fun
  • Variety of game modes keeps things fresh Insider tip: Use this to settle disputes over the aux cord. Winner gets to be DJ for the next hour!

Ultimate Chicken Horse

Build the level, then survive it Last but not least, we’ve got the game that answers the age-old question: What if Wile E. Coyote designed Mario levels? Why it’s a travel break must-have:

  • Rounds are quick but endlessly replayable
  • Up to 4 players can join in the madness
  • Building and playing levels exercises both creativity and reflexes Pro tip: Try recreating your road trip route in the game. First one to make it to “Grandma’s House” wins shotgun for the rest of the trip!

These Travel Break Turbo games have saved us from many a boring pit stop and turned quick breaks into mini gaming tournaments. They’re perfect for when you need a burst of fun between long stretches of highway hypnosis.


Well, fellow road warriors, we’ve reached the end of our virtual gaming journey! ๐ŸŒŸ As we roll into 2024, your trusty Nintendo Switch is about to become the unsung hero of your travels. With this lineup of multiplayer marvels, you’re all set to turn those “Are we there yet?” whines into “Can we play just one more round?” cheers.

From duking it out in Mario Kart to untangling yourselves in Snipperclips, or even burning down virtual kitchens in Overcooked, these games are your ticket to making the journey just as epic as the destination. But hey, let’s not forget the golden rule of road trips: it’s all about balance, baby!

Sure, these games are addictive as all get-out, but don’t forget to peel your eyes away from the screen now and then. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on those unexpected, jaw-dropping moments that make road trips legendary. I mean, who could forget that time we witnessed a double rainbow stretching across the sky right after an intense Mario Kart tournament? Not me, that’s for sure!

So here’s the deal: charge up those Switches, pack a bunch of extra Joy-Cons (and snacks, always pack snacks), and get ready to game your way across the country. Just remember to look up once in a while. You never know when you might stumble upon a quirky roadside attraction or a view that’ll make your Instagram followers green with envy.

Who knows? You might get so caught up in the fun that you’ll forget you’re even on a tripโ€ฆ until nature calls and someone inevitably needs a bathroom break. (Pro tip: Always know where the next rest stop is!)

So game on, travel safe, and may your 2024 adventures be filled with high scores, breathtaking views, and memories that’ll last a lifetime. Happy trails and happy gaming, folks! ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿš—

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